Captain Boots' Home Port

These pages represent a very old set of index links which I kept in desperation when my bookmark file got to be far too large. Buried amongst the lists are some rather sizeable collections I worked hard to compile. The Costuming resource page is an example of such. Most of what is here is relevant to myself, but once I've had time to properly reformat the pages, there will be other things to see.


Images of myself or from my past

Look here for search engines of all sorts, as well as general Internet help. (e.g. help on building web pages)


Renaissance Festivals

Links arranged by subject

Businesses on the net

Computer information and ftp sites

Fan pages (anime, Star Trek, movies, etc)

Food / Drinks / Beer

Hobbies, sports, and activities

Humor / Games / Entertainment

Huge links to keep you busy for decades

Live pictures and video

Music / Art / Literature

Nations: Culture and net information

Travel Information

Weather, Astronomy, and NASA links

Miscellaneous links