Cosplay Captures #2
Final Fantasy 7 in 4 Minutes
The music was a very funny counterpoint to the action going on stage. They did a good job keeping their choreography in time and kept the audience laughing with their antics as well.

Don't Sleep With Your . . .
This group has produced another hilarious skit. They wrote their own lyrics AND sang them for the recording. The lyrics were sung and recorded well and were clearly understood; the 'narrator' gave a series of anime characters a lecture that we have all probably wanted to give them.

Y'see, 'ika' is the Japanese word for squid .. well, that's about all the explanation you needed. It was a very interesting costume in that it was hard to see how the person squeezed into this small, strangely-shaped costume. They even managed to dance a bit.
Devil May Cry
wow, the fantastic Dante costume and the two demons made this quite a skit! The action wasn't bad either!
This was a charming and very sweet skit. A small mixup in the instructions led to the lights not being dimmed enough to show off the lights and fiber-optics in the dress and wings, but we were given the opportunity to see them when the awards were presented. Amazing work!